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Financial Data

Income Statements


Sales/Ratio of overseas sales
Operating Income/
Operating Income marginOperating Income/Operating Income margin
Net Income/
Net Income marginNet Income/Net Income margin


(unit: Millions of Yen)

FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Sales 145,428 120,577 92,973 116,313 140,938 158,254
Cost of Goods Sold 130,613 108,536 86,402 108,689 130,457 144,349
Gross Profit 14,814 12,040 6,570 7,623 10,480 13,905
Total Selling, General and
Administrative Expenses
11,586 11,276 9,124 10,046 10,457 11,614
Operating Income (Loss) 3,228 764 (2,554) (2,422) 23 2,291
Recurring Income (Loss) 2,905 406 (2,094) (2,032) 94 2,574
Net Income (Loss) 421 (685) (2,843) (5,189) (84) (7,699)

Balance Sheets

Total AssetsTotal Assets,Equity Ratio
Net interest-bearing debt /Equity ratioLiabilities with Interest,D/ E Ratio

*Net interest-bearing debt = Interest-bearing debt - Cash and deposits

Cash Flows

Cash Flows